Tag Archives: snow

Tattoo Process

Curious about the process of getting a tattoo? Click on the collage below to go to my Picasa photo album (including video) that documents the process as I got my three snow crystal tattoos this week. Dogstar Tattoo is an amazing studio. Kathryn, the owner, is a graduate of the Carnegie Mellon School of Art. I’m so glad she decided to move her canvas to skin. This is the studio that the ScienceOnline2012 folks will visit later this week as they tour the amazing space, listen to Carl Zimmer talk about the Science Of Ink (and his book Science Ink: The Tattoos of the Science Obsessed), and enjoy some surprises. Several conference attendees will be getting tattoos during the tour (as the others watch!). My tattoo was done early because it took so long and because I will be very busy during the conference (I’m one of the organizers). But, it still counts as one of the #scio12 #SciInk tats and I can’t wait for those who get inked at ScienceOnline to take a group photo!

The Snowflake (Redux)

This is a re-posting. I am adding two photos of snowflakes I took yesterday (Dec 4, 2010) in Durham, NC. I could not believe we had snow! I ran outside and shot these macros hand-held. Not great, but I was so excited. Will get out more this winter and work on some new techniques.

Snowflake I captured in our yard, Durham, NC, December 4, 2010.

Snowflake melting. Durham, NC, December 4, 2010. Camera: Panasonic GF1 (Micro-four thirds).

It’s no secret that I love snow. One of the best books that I’ve seen about snowflakes is The Snowflake: Winter’s Secret Beauty by Kenneth Libbrecht (photography by Patricia Rasmussen). If you’ve ever been mesmerized by the shape of a snowflake that has fallen onto your gloved hand, then this book will delight you. The stunning photography of individual snowflakes is complemented perfectly by excellent explanations of the science behind the beauty.
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