Thank you to everyone who contributed opinions and experiences about the textbooks you learned Hebrew with (or teach with). To see the original contest post (and comments), go here.

And the winners (chosen via a random number generator) are:
- Bob MacDonald
- John Murphy
- Sytze van der Laan
- Rick
I’ll be in touch with you to find out if you are going to SBL or if I need to mail the Og comic book to you.
Wow! I, a winner. And I don’t know what an Og comic book is though I did read a sort-of history of comics recently – the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chbon – great story set mostly in NY.
I am from Canada – if too difficult to mail, feel free to make another draw.
#3 – 906 St Charles Street
Victoria BC V8S 3P6
Hi Karyn – Thanksgiving day – and thanks to you I have a new comic book – arrived today. I will let you know the response from students. It will get well used.