Update on Olivia

Olivia was moved on Thursday, Feb 22, to her family’s home in Jersey Shore, PA. She is under hospice care. The family is now all with her (all her siblings have left their jobs and schooling temporarily to be home with the family).

Even though Olivia is mostly sleeping and not communicative, it seems she is able to hear their voices, so they are reading and talking to her, spending time just being with her. Their main goal is her comfort and pain management.

Please continue to pray for Olivia and all the Waldens during this time. Pray that Olivia’s pain will be able to be managed well and that the Lord will surround her with his peace. The transition from earthly life through death to eternal life is never easy for those who are left behind. There is great sorrow over loss. I am thankful that the Waldens are a close family and can be a strength to each other. I am also thankful that, as believers, their ability to find comfort in this comes from the great Comforter.

2 thoughts on “Update on Olivia

  1. Susan Blount

    Dear Walden Family,

    Just to let you know that we continue to uphold you in prayer to our Heavenly Father. We would have loved to have been present for Saturday’s service, but it was impossible.

    I wish I could fix this for you, but God has things that He’s going to accomplish in all of this. I know you will be comforted as you see His plans unfold. We miss all of you. Love, Susan

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