Gotta show the home town pride. Major props for the following two events being hosted in the Triangle.

First up, ScienceOnline2010, January 14-17th, 2010 at Sigma Xi in the Research Triangle Park. This is officially an “unconference.” More about conversation than lecture. Here’s a list of who’s coming. And here’s the program. But don’t worry, even if you can’t attend, you can participate. Follow the Twitter account for the conference (@scio10) or the hashtag #scio10.
From the conference website:
This is a conference to explore new ways in communicating scientific exploration. Our goal is to bring together scientists, physicians, patients, educators, students, publishers, editors, bloggers, journalists, writers, web developers, programmers and others to discuss, demonstrate and debate online strategies and tools for doing science, publishing science, teaching science, and promoting the public understanding of science. Our conference addresses a variety of issues and perspectives on science communication, including science literacy, the popularization of science, science in classrooms and in homes, debunking pseudoscience, using blogs as tools for presenting scientific research, writing about science, and health and medicine. In addition to being an internationally known hub of scientific and biomedical research and education, North Carolina has numerous science blogs written by a wide variety of people – see this listing of Science bloggers located in North Carolina here.
I would love to go, but can’t. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be keeping up with the fun.
So, what could follow such a super science spectacular? Why our very own TEDx event!

Yes, TEDxTriangleNC is coming March 6th! If you are not familiar with TED yet, click on over to their site and be prepared to be invigorated and inspired by the short TED talks (videos) you will find there. Riveting. Then mark your calendar for March 6th and plan to attend (in person or online) for the best ideas coming out of the Triangle.